CCP Justification
Storage at -18˚C
A type of yeast and mould , Psychrophilic bacteria (a group of bacteria species that work in the lowest temperature range) thrives at about 13˚C and are able to grow right down to -20˚C. They can cause a potential hazard hence it is necessary to do a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) on them. The fluctuation of temperature also allow microbes to grow. Hence it is essential to conduct checks for the regulation of the right temperature. Low temperatures can also inhibit growth. Low levels of Bacillus Cereus is found in the raw materials , hence it is too low to cause foodborne diseases but Bacillus Cereus has the ability to form spores which ensures its survival and frequent time/temperature abuse might lead to a multiplication of Bacillus Cereus. Therefore it is important to ensure the right temperature at all times and prevent excessive fluctuation of temperatures. Temperature abuse can also result in spore germination and multiplication of the vegetative cells and cause diarrhea and food poisoning. Bacillus Cereus also exist in normal bacteria and spore forms in food. The normal form in inactivated by cooking , but most illness is the result of the multiplication of spores during inadequate refrigeration. Cooking often kills bacteria and heat activates the Bacillus Cereus spores , storing large masses of cooked food between 4˚C and 60˚C (Temperature Danger Zone) will allow the bacteria to multiply. Pathogens , a virus , bacteria , algae and a protozoan , causes diseases in humans. Many strains from dairy products like Egg can also grow in low temperatures , resulting in bacteria and microbes like Bacillus Cereus and Staphylococcus Aureus.